
Movie Day !

So today is moviee dayyy at the Demers residence ! Chris and I (and probably my daddy) are going to watch the X-Men movies (minus X-Men Origins because we watched it last night). BUT first, we have to go rent the movies seeing as my copies of them aren't working :( Which brings us to a problem. I don't know when blockbuster opens ! They don't have opening times on their website (because they suck), and I'v ebeen calling for like the past half hour. So OBV they aren't open right now, but the mystery stil remains. When the fuck do they open ?! lol.

I'm pretty excited to watch these movies today. Just to let everyone know. I haven't seen the third one ! So I'm excited to watch it :) AND Hugh Jackman is amazing :) Like really.

OH and the Grammy's are on tonight ! I'm excited to watch them ahhh :D

So as you can see, I have a lot of shit to watch today. I better get started. I'm off to find the phone again and call blockbuster so I can get my movie day started !

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